John Duke(1899-1984)
I carry your heart Sop. 강유경
A piper
John Carter(1932-1981)
Cantata 중 Sop. 최경선
2. Rondo "Peter go ring dem bells"
3. Recitatives "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child"
5. Toccata "Ride on King Jesus"
Henry Purcell(1659-1695)
Harmonia Sacra 중 Sop. 조은혜
The blessed Virgin's expostulation Z. 196
Frank Bridge(1879-1941)
Three Songs 중 Sop. 최명우
1. Far, far from each other Va. 이화진
2. Where is it that our soul doth go?
******* Intermission *******
Michael Head(1900-1976)
Over the Rim of the Moon 중 Sop. 고루다
A Blackbird Singing
Ivor Gurney(1890-1937)
Five Elizabethan Songs 중 Sop. 신재은
Under the greenwood tree
Benjamin Britten(1913-1976)
The Holy Sonnets of John Donne 중 Ten. 김정권
(1913-1976) 1. O my blacke soule
2. Batter my heart
6. Since she whom I loved
9. Death, be not proud
Ben Moore(1960- )
On Music Sop. 박명숙
I Am in Need of Music