Franz Liszt (프란츠 리스트)
Prometheus (I & II), S. 99
작곡가: Franz Liszt (프란츠 리스트)작곡년도: 1850 - 1855출판년도: 1857초연: Aug 24, 1850평균연주: 13:27
The Sound of Weimar: Franz Liszt - Die Orchesterwerke im OriginalklangJune 15, 2018
Franz Liszt: The Complete Symphonic Poems Transcribed for Solo Piano by August Stradal, Vol. 3December 29, 2017
Franz Liszt: Symphonic Poems, Vol. 2September 8, 2017
TranskriptionenJanuary 8, 2016
The Complete RCA and Sony Album CollectionJune 16, 2014
Liszt: The Sound of Weimar, Vols. 1-5January 28, 2013
Liszt: Symphonic Dichtungen, Vol. 4December 3, 2012
The Sound of Weimar, Vol. 5August 27, 2012
Dedicated to the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Ferenc LisztMarch 17, 2012
Liszt Collection [Limited Edition]June 28, 2011
Liszt: Complete Symphonic PoemsMarch 30, 2010
Liszt: Oeuvres Pour OrchestreJanuary 13, 2008
Reubke, Liszt: Organ WorksJuly 24, 2007
Liszt: Symphonic Poems, Vol. 3May 7, 2007
The Very Best of LisztOctober 2, 2006
Liszt: Tone Poems; A Faust SymphonyDecember 31, 2005
Franz Liszt: Symphonic PoemsMarch 22, 2005
Franz Liszt: Sinfonische DichtungenAugust 2, 2004
Franz Liszt: Prometheus/Bergsymhonie/FestklängeDecember 22, 2003
Liszt: Orchestral Works; Works for Piano & Orchestra [Box Set]November 4, 2003
Organ Works; Organ TranscriptionsAugust 5, 2003
Liszt: Complete Symphonic Poems (Box Set)February 4, 2003
Nikolai GolavanovJune 4, 2002
Liszt: A Faust Symphony; Dante Symphony; Les Préludes; PrometheusJuly, 2000
Liszt: Les Preludes; Tasso; Prometheus; Mephisto-Walzer No. 1October 1, 1999
Prometheus: The Myth in MusicOctober 4, 1994
Liszt: Complete Tone Poems, Vol. 1February 15, 1994
Liszt: Symphonic Poems1991
Liszt: Orpheus; Prometheus; Mazeppa; Festklängenull
The Art of Nikolai Golovanov Vol.5null
13:40리스트: 프로메테우스 (I & II) S. 992011Franciscan Church, Budapest