Jaroslav Krcek (야로슬라프 크르체크)
Songs and Dances from Zlatá Koruna
작곡가: Jaroslav Krcek (야로슬라프 크르체크)평균연주: 52:54악장1Káco, Káco, kacenko (Kate, Kate, Kitty)null2Jdi, má milá, jdi do lesa (Go, my true love, go to the woods)null3Na nasem dvore (In our yard)null4Uz se krumlovskej zámecek bourá (Look, they are pulling down the Krumlov castle)null5Ty klásterský zvony - Nezvoraný pole (Those bells of the monastery - Unploughed fields)null6Muj zlatej holecku (Oh, my own lad)null7Moje milá je z Rájova (My love is from Rájov)null8Formane, formane - Já jsem forman (Hey, carrier, carrier - I am a carrier)null9Vsecky, vsecky klásterský panenky (All girls of monastical village)null10Pekne se zelená klásterská krajina (The country is green all around the monastery)null11Sedlák z Prahy jede (The peasant is coming from Prague)null12Na tej nasí návsi (In our village green)null13V klástere konícky ksírojou (They are putting horses on in the monastery)null14Okolo klástera travicka zelená (Grass is green around the monastery)null15Koukni, holka, koukni (Look girl, look)null16Ty krnanský ovce (Those sheep of Krnany)null17Ze zeme jsem na zem prisel (From the ground I have come onto the ground)null18U klástera pole (There are fields around the monastery)null19Kdyby vojna byla - Podívej se na me (If there were war - Look at me)null20Jdi, má milá, jdi do lesa - Roste stromek dubový (Go to the forest, my sweetheart - An oak tree is growing)null21Na tej nasí návsi (On our village green)null22Zasazuj holecku (Hey, lad, put the horses on)null