Rudolf Friml
Donkey Serenade
The Sound of the King's SingersSeptember 8, 2017
The Mario Lanza CollectionNovember 13, 2015
Icons: Mario LanzaMay 18, 2010
Legendary Performers: Mario LanzaNovember 11, 2008
CollectionJuly 8, 2008
The Golden Voice of Mario LanzaMarch 18, 2008
King's Singers Greatest HitsFebruary 5, 2008
The Golden Age of Light Music: Animal Antics2008
Tenor ExtraordinaireMay 23, 2007
The Essential Mario LanzaApril 3, 2007
All-American ShowcaseNovember 7, 2005
My Song, My Love - A Classic CollectionApril 19, 2005
LegendsSeptember 27, 2004
Essential GoldMay 25, 2004
Piano Music of Rudolf FrimlFebruary 10, 2004
Whistle While You Work: Original 1929-1938 RecordingsJune 18, 2002
Legendary Mario LanzaFebruary 25, 2002
Mario Lanza: 42 Great PerformancesApril 11, 2001
Remember the MoviesFebruary 13, 2001
Artists Of The Century: Mario LanzaJune 15, 1999
Be My Love [Prism]August 20, 1997
World's Greatest Voices of the Century1997
Hollywood: Celebri Colonne Sonore Originali, Vol. 11997
The Legendary Voice of Mario Lanza1996
Mario Lanza: The Ultimate CollectionOctober 12, 1995
Without a Song1995
The Valley of SongAugust, 1994
Golden Days1994
The Very Best of Mario Lanzanull
The Golden Age of Light Music: Animal Antics2008