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Gregorian Chant  (그레고리안 성가)
Puer natus est nobis, introit
Pro Cantione Antiqua
Roberts, Stephen
Thomas, Ludwig
Antico, Stile
George, Michael
Gregorian Choir of Paris
Brown, Mark
Griffett, James
Sommerro, Henning
Jones, Gordon
Joppich, Pater Godehard
Muhling, Gunnar
Partridge, Ian
Nettinger, Hubert
Schmidt, Christian Maria
Capella Gregoriana
Velten, Hubert
Die Singphoniker
CantArte Regensburg
Faux, Francis
King, Catherine
Kantoren der Abtei Maria Laach
McEwan, Neil
Aliénor Voices
Wessler, Jonathan
Gloriae Dei Ringers
Wasner, Dr. Franz
Peterson, Charlene
Coral Gregoriano de Belo Horizonte
Podger, Julian
Il Dulci Jubilo
Singers of St Laurence
Ars Nova Copenhagen
Haig, Ryan
Pettersson, Harald
Filho, Pacífico Guimarães
Family, The Trapp
Bowling, Ian
Hillier, Paul
Humeston, Jay
Allwood, Ralph
Baber, Elizabeth
Coral Gregoriano
Schola Gregoriana Pragensis
Boys of St. Paul's Choir School (The)
Choralschola Münsterschwarzach
Mahady, Christine
Jordan, James E. Jr.
Goschl, P. Johannes Berchmans, O.S.B.
Williams, Emilie
Nereu de Castro Teixeira Pe
English Medieval Wind Ensemble
Budris, Jonas
Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos
Etheridge, Brian
Saint Vincent Camerata Scholars
Mastrodomenico, Carol
Winpenney, Tom
Monks of Prinknash Abbey
New York Polyphony
Drerup, Devin
Cuesta, Ismael Fernandez de la
Drury, David
Patterson, Elizabeth C.
Christ Church St. Laurence Choir
Sterk, Marcus
Nuns of Stanbrook Abbey
Eton College Chapel Choir
Marchant, Rob
Schola Gregoriana Benedetto Xvi
O'Donnell, James
Cunningham, Ruth
Witter, Matthew
Ambrosian Singers
Schola Antiqua
Watson, Charles
Vox Silentii
McCullough, Graeme
Bott, David
Stevens, Denis
Charlesworth, Stephen
Benedictine Monks of St. Michael's
Schola Gregoriana Hispana
Cistercian Monks of Stift Heiligenkreuz
Schola Gregoriana Monacensis
McLinn, Garry
Chalmers, David
Agustoni, Luigi
Peacock, Adrian
Gothic Voices
Nova Schola Gregoriana
Capitani, Enrico De
Gloriae Dei Brass Ensemble
Schenale, Manuela
Harrold, Steven
Chalker, Thomas
Ensemble Stirps Jesse
Monks & Novices of Saint Frideswide
Robinson, John
Gloriae Dei Cantores