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Gregorian Chant  (그레고리안 성가)
Pater Noster
Ensemble Gilles Binchois
McCreesh, Paul
Parrott, Andrew
Gabrieli Consort
King's Singers
Hortus Musicus
Bass, James K.
Capella Gregoriana
Quigley, Patrick Dupré
Seraphic Fire
Benedictine Monks of the Abbey at Ganagobie
Noone, Michael
Orchestra of the Renaissance
Litton, James
Metallo, Vincent
Ensemble La Cantoria
Bull, Stratton
Seminary Choir of the Pontifical North American College, Vatican City State
Frailoli, D. Rocco
Faber, Katharine
Gaiezza, Franco Vito
New York Collegium
Cappella Pratensis
Lay Clerks of Westminster Cathedral
Tharp, Stephen
Fulvio, Ildebrando di
Harrogate Ladies' College Chapel Choir
Taverner Consort
I, Pope Francis
Monaci Cistercensi dell'abbazia di Casamari
Brough, Paul
Taverner Choir
Sistine Chapel Choir
Tubéry, Jean
Choir of Keble College
Monks of Sant'Antimo
Cremonesi, Attilio
Solé, Juan Paradell
Martin, Matthew
St. Patrick's Cathedral Boys Choir
Instruments of Time and Truth
Chœur de Chambre de Namur
Zanasi, Furio
Students of the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music
Schola Cantorum and Gregoriana
Chœur Grégorien de Méditerranée
Tulve, Jaan-Eik
Doulce Mémoire
Baumel, Michael
Leipziger Vokalromantiker
Ensemble Il Teatro Armonico
Poisblaud, Damien
Vox Clamantis
Ensemble la Fenice
Riain, Nóirín Ní
Bisson, Massimo
American Boychoir (The)
Mechler, Thierry
Ricercar Consort
Milne, John
Cappella Musicale Santa Maria In Campitelli
Sao Bento Monastery Benedictine Monks' Chorus
Möller, Thomas
Gabrieli Consort & Players
Gabrieli Players
Thomas, David
Betta, Vincenzo Di
Schola der Dominikaner
London Gabrieli Choir
Berry, Christopher