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Jonathan Dove  (조너선 도브)
Seek Him that Maketh the Seven Stars
Bond, Luke
Gray, Christopher
Gray, Christopher
Truro Cathedral Choir
Disley, Stephen
Girl Choristers and Lay-Clerks of Southwark Cathedral Choir (The)
Wright, Peter
Huddersfield Choral Society
Evans, Iestyn
Gallagher, Sophie
Furthner, Rainer
Moore, Thomas
Daniels, Muriel
Oliver, Aidan
Price, Scott
Hastreiter, Thomas
Balkovetz, Carolyn
Ford, Martin
Osborne, Thomas
Schola Cantorum of the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School
Prager, Michael
Ellis, Erin
Gritton, Harriet
Trotter, Thomas
Pyrker, Sabine
Georgia State University Singers
Limb, Elizabeth
Owens, Matthew
Wagstaff, Mark
Swinson, David
Joseph, Deanna
Mistry, Sarah
Salisbury Cathedral Choristers
Chœur de l'église St. Andrew and St. Paul
Trinity Boys Choir
Marane, Nicole
Robertson, Paul
Manias, Stephanie
Dempsey, Glen
Palmer, Erin
Semmens, Richard
Wells Cathedral Choir
Oldengarm, Jonathan
Heijden, Laura van der
Valdes, Maria
Somerville, Jocelyn
Filsell, Jeremy
Vallée, Jean-Sébastien
Choir of Sheffield Cathedral
Nethsingha, Andrew
Greig, Murray
Vasari Singers
Halls, David
Watson, Nathaniel
Wakefield Cathedral Choir
St. John's College Choir, Cambridge
Hooper, David
Waton, Susan
Vaughn, Jonathan
Brito-Babapulle, Lewis
Earl, Simon
Backhouse, Jeremy