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Tomás Luis de Victoria  (토마스 루이스 드 빅토리아)
Missa O Quam gloriosum
Christ Church Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys, Indianapolis
Monteverdi Choir
Gardiner, John Eliot
Cleobury, Stephen
King's College Choir of Cambridge
Burgomaster, Frederick
Winiger, Patar Cornelius
Bauwart, Roman
Chorus of the Cathedral of St. Gall (The)
Meyer, Daniel
Monks of the Benedictine Monastery of Einsiedeln (The)
Schola Cantorum of the Benedictine Monastery of Einsiedln
Birts, Peter
Langridge, Philip
Tinkler, Mark
Dawson, Anthony
Owen, Peter
Hodgson, Alfreda
Russell, Lynda
Bishop, Robert
Lewis, Richard
Tudhope, John
Dean, Stafford
Palmer, Felicity
Fuchs, Andrew
Hogwood, Christopher
Scott, John
Bond, Jonathan
London Brass
Turner, Michael
Il Convitto Armonico
Eathorne, Wendy
Parker, Roger
Keeler, Tim
Hunt, Thomas
Bowen, Kenneth
London Philomusica
Watts, Helen
English Chamber Orchestra
Partridge, Ian
New York Polyphony
Keene, Gareth
Smith, Angus
Bowman, James
Luxon, Benjamin
White, Peter
Ensemble Plus Ultra
Esswood, Paul
Pearce, Michael
Woody, Jonathan
Keenlyside, Simon
Smith, Jennifer
Brannigan, Owen
Marshall, Margaret
Wiata, Inia Te
Noone, Michael
Evans, Wynford
Roberts, Alastair
Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields
Kendall, William
Spoorenberg, Erna
Summerly, Jeremy
Brett, Charles
Matheson Consort
Wilkens, Anne
Greevy, Bernadette
Roberts, Stephen
Argo Chamber Orchestra
Keyte, Christopher
St. John's College Choir, Cambridge
Brown, Wilfred
McDaniel, Barry
Wren Orchestra
Guest, George
Robinson, Forbes
Atkinson, Lynton
King, Robert
Suart, Richard
Brunt, Andrew
Minty, Shirley
Young, Alexander
Harwood, Elizabeth
Robles, Marisa
Bevan, Christopher
Krause, Tom
Symphoniae Sacrae Chamber Ensemble
Cable, Margaret
Mitchinson, John
Hetherington, Hugh
Rouleau, Joseph
Bielby, Jonathan
Kwella, Patrizia
Tear, Robert
Oxford Camerata
Cantelo, April
Odom, Benjamin
Hill, David
Runnett, Brian