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Johannes Brahms  (요하네스 브람스)
Geistliches Lied, Op. 30
Trinity College Choir, Cambridge
Chamber Choir of Europe
Wollenschläger, Jens
Matt, Nicol
Dickel, Gerhard
Hope, Jonathan
Southwark Cathedral Choir
Nordstoga, Kåre
Filsell, Jeremy
Bernstein, Walter Heinz
Palmatier, Thomas H.
Pinel, Anthony
Short, Nigel
Beavan, David
Exultate Festival Orchestra
Cleobury, Stephen
Rowland, David
Westminster Choir
Campbell, Colin
United States Army Brass Band
MDR Leipzig Radio Chorus
Skidmore, Greg
Winchester College Chapel Choir
Hughes, Christopher
Adriani, Antonio
St. Bride's Church Choir
Williams, Maurice
Choir of St. Mary's Episcopal Cathedral
Nieminski, Simon
Hauschild, Wolf-Dieter
Monteverdi Choir
King's College Choir of Cambridge
Bedleem, Elsie
Bristol Cathedral Choir
Morgan, James
Giulini, Carlo Maria
Vasari Singers
Chadwick, Roderick
Wilkinson, Clare
Owens, Matthew
Orchestre Revolutionnaire et Romantique
Berlin Radio Chorus
Boston Brass Ensemble
Parrella, Nancianne
Jena, Günter
Westminster Cathedral Choir
Seaton, Claire
Bergen Domkantori
Backhouse, Jeremy
Bratschke, Detlef
Deutsches Symphonie-Orchester Berlin
Kammerchor Stuttgart
Morley, Matthew
NDR Chorus
Marlow, Richard
Choir of Bath Abbey
Sealy, Marcus
Lien, Bjørn
Adelmann, Dale
Bowers-Broadbent, Christopher
Leenaars, Gijs
Schutz Choir of London
Butler, J. Melvin
Sinopoli, Giuseppe
Flummerfelt, Joseph
All Saints' Church Choir, Beverly Hills
Gabrielsen, Stephen
Mangersnes, Magnar
Jordan, James
Hardy, Rosemary
Norwegian Soloists Choir
Corydon Singers
Scott, John
Clapham, Geoff
Bernius, Frieder
Saint Clement's Choir
Provost, Paul
Raschèr Saxophone Quartet
Rossin, Thomas D.
Lea, Richard
Cason, Tony W.
Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral Choir
Drury, Elizabeth
Norrington, Roger
Jesus College Choir, Cambridge
Christ College Choir, Cambridge
Gardiner, John Eliot
Pott, Francis
Dubose, C. Benjamin
Oslo Cathedral Choir
Martin, Matthew
Mason, Alexander
Best, Matthew
United States Naval Academy Protestant Chapel Choir
Morris, Benjamin
Ellse, Jonathan
Women of the NDR Chorus
Lamb, Gary F.
Serenata Voices
Phillips, Craig
Robson, Tom